80 percent of people in Oregon are now vaccinated against COVID-19

As of today, 80% of people 18 and older living in Oregon have had at least one dose in their vaccination series against COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s 2,681,267 people in Oregon who are now more protected against COVID-19.

The CDC’s number and percentage of adults who’ve received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine is slightly higher than the number and percentage reported on Oregon’s vaccination dashboard. The CDC’s data include vaccinations delivered through federal installations and facilities, such as the Veteran’s Administration.

Work continues to reach 80% vaccination in all Oregon communities

“Reaching 80 percent is an important milestone because it loosens COVID-19’s grip on our state,” said Rachael Banks, OHA’s Public Health Director. “We’ve made significant progress in closing the vaccination gap, among people of color and rural communities. But Oregon is still below the 80% threshold of those vaccinated for these groups. We can do more to ensure everyone in Oregon has a fair and equitable access to a COVID-19 vaccine.”

To reach more people in communities of color, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has conducted intensive outreach across the state through its Community Partner Outreach Program and Community Engagement Team to engage more than 170 community-based organizations. These partnerships led to the co-production of outreach materials in 11 languages and dozens of community-specific vaccine events.

“We are working with leaders in communities of color and faith communities to redress the lack of fair access to vaccines,” Banks added. “We are committed to making sure our health care system and our vaccination efforts do a better job at eliminating long held health injustices. We also are working with organizers to incorporate child-friendly services wherever possible, knowing that very soon children ages 5-11 will be authorized to receive the vaccine as well.

“While we celebrate this milestone, our hope is that the 80% vaccination rate only continues to rise to include every Oregonian.”

To learn more, read OHA’s news release.

Vaccines are safe and the most effective way to protect us against serious illness and hospitalizations due to COVID-19. Find more information and a vaccine site near you today by visiting our Find a COVID-19 Vaccine in Oregon web page.